Fraudulent lender
This is a predatory consumer lender. They have a history of siding with their fraudulent car dealership relationships rather than enforcing and following up on valid complaints from the buyer. Litigation is the only remedy in dealing with an unethical, dishonest lender like this. You can complain to their senior managers of operations and falls on death ears. I purchased a lemon and it was not my fault that the dealership misrepresented the repairs before placing it in the lot. The vehicle broke down several times and the dealership was immediately informed. The 2004 911 Porsche Carrera I purchased from this fraud dealer saw me coming. In the end, I returned the vehicle and I was assured WestLake Financial would reverse the transaction. They did not. WestLake Financial reported it as a involuntary repossession, notified me the vehicle was sold at an auction for $8,000 leaving me with a deficiency balance of $2,400. That was on paper. My credit report rating is ruined and discloses that I owe the same original loan of $14,000.00. They refuse to acknowledge and are responding to Experian that the information is correct. That is further from the truth. Stay away from WestLake Financial.