Being self-employed, we found ourselves falling behind with our house payments due to medical reasons and a large loss of business. After trying to submit a modification to our lender and being denied twice, we were told to go to "Keep Your Home California". Of course they said they could help us, but after being denied from them, we sought out Vokshori Law Group. If it were not for the due diligence of Nadia Sommereyns and her firm, VLG, we would have lost our home. They gave us hope and always kept us positive, which encouraged our faith that we would be keeping our home. This in turn kept us focused on our business and bringing in new monies. The staff was always courteous and confident with the outcome of our modification. Working with the firm kept our anxieties in check and we stayed well through the process. We would like to thank Nadia Sommereyns and recommend VLG to anyone seeking help in saving their home. George and Terri M.