Wonderful Experience w/ Trademark Lending DBA Upfront Home Loans
I can't express enough how truly grateful I am that Dave Parker with Trademark Lending DBA Upfront Home Loans contacted me when I was shopping to re-finance my mortgage; Dave is the most knowledgeable, professional, trust-worthy, patient, hard-working individual I have ever had the pleasure to work with in the industry. He will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision regarding your loan AND take the time to make sure you completely understand that information and the entire process. Never in my life have I seen what normally is quite a stressful experience go as fast or as smooth. Dave is top-notch and I highly recommend him. You can take my advice when I say skip the shopping around for rates with other companies who aren't going to steer you in the best possible direction and just call Dave Parker. OR don't take my advice and wish later on that you had. The choice is entirely up to you.