Review 3/31/2009
I got the same letter that Miriam got. I don't know who the Title Compliance Board is but this deceptive mailing is a very carefully crafted mail designed to sell people for $79 what the government gives citizens the right to have for only a $6 processing charge.
They appear to scour the public deed records for Assessor Ids and target the people they find by sending them letters with the actual Assessor Id in the letter to build authenticity. They prominently use boiler room tactics in their letter, implying that there's some sort of "DEADLINE: 4/15/09" to acquiring one's Property Deed (there's not) along with straight up stating, (quote): "If you do not already have this important document, you need to obtain one now." And as required by law, they manage to bury their statement disavowing any relationship with the government in the second to last paragraph of the document... it's so hidden, it took thorough reading to figure out that it was a private company.
First of all, there is little reason that a person needs to "obtain one now". The County Recorder's office has the deed and any time you need to get it simply get it for $6.00 at http://www.lavote.net/RECORDER/Document_Recording.cfm. Any real estate agent will be able to get the document as well as you as well as the title company that you buy/sell the property through.
How companies get away with this is beyond me.