I decided to use TeenDrivingCourse for the drivers ed class so I can get my licence. I am only around lesson 5 into it. But every time I take the tests after each lesson I get marked wrong for questions that I got right I even went back through the lessons to confirm what the answer was suppose to be and that I was right. I called them about this and they didn't even act concerned. They said that I need to email them the test showing that it did mark me wrong. Hoping that I wouldn't be able to. .Thankfully I did save a copy of it. But when I went to email them they didn't give me the right email which was info@teendrivingcourse.com . SO I am hoping that I will be able to finish it and get the certificate. Wish that I read the reviews b4 I went ahead and spent the $40. If you are reading this and haven't paid for it yet DONT PAY STAY CLEAR!!!!!