Review 11/9/2009
I was so scared when entering into the debt settelment program. I researched so many companies. I became extremely educated in the way theses companies worked. I was not too thrilled on the Square Ones BBB Rating. Then I dig a little deeper. While most consumers only care about the BB rating, I discovered a site called TASC. The association for Settlement Companies. (www.tascsite.org) David Prince, the owner of Square One is on their board. I figured that must be important. I did some more research and found out that Square One is Accredited by the TASC organization. Upon father research, i found out the this is a self regulating industry, and it is regulated by TASC.
That hold more water with me than any BBB rating. I just started my program and its been a few months. When the creditors call, I just give them an update on what I am doing. Most are understanding that I am making progress and not just looking to skip out on my bill.