Review 6/23/2010
I was in the program for 9 months - I followed the program guidelines; pay your monthly payments and be patient. It was a nightmare. I wanted the bleeding to "stop" and my creditors were not getting paid. I made double payments - and after they got the initial fees over 4 months. The rules changed and so did the progress. I would like to blame them for how things turned out - But at the end of the day: The credit cards are my responsibility and while learning the rules to this game still leaves a person in debt. The botton-line is you give up all control over what is being negotiated, it is at their convenience. It was advised to me not to speak to my creditors - I strongly disagree and wish I had stayed in communication with them as a back up. One thing I will tell you that the person that you signed up with - MIKE YOUNG - this is for you; Has no interest if you are a dissatified client. Good Luck - it is a game - Know the rules.