I signed up for a 1 day use of PeopleSmart.com to locate some old friends who I had lost contact with after Katrina. I was asked if I wanted to sign up for a year's premium membership to get detailed background checks, etc. I found all the info I needed and immediately clicked NO...30 days later, a $19.95 charge appears on my credit card to INFLECTION, LLC AS A STORE PURCHASE!...by using their Umbrella or parent company name and listing it as a store purchase you are less likely to dispute it because you are more likely to think it is something you bought and forgot about. MY SUGGESTION FIND OUT WHO THE PARENT COMPANY OF ANY SUBSCRIBER SEARCH ENGINE IS AND IF IT'S INFLECTIONS, LLC DO NOT USE IT!! The information is basic at best and for more details there is always another hidden charge..These searches are scams!!!I filed a complaint through American Express-that was the only way to get my money back-I got no satisfaction from INFLECTIONS, LLC!!!!!!! ( wish I could give them NO stars!!!)