Worst Customer Service Experience in 12 years
In 12 years of ordering online, I consider my experience with imedmart to be **the worst**. I *highly* recommend against ordering from them. I tried to save a few bucks and spent hours spread over weeks trying to get refund. In the end, they agreed to give the refund (and did so in writing), and then didn't issue the full refund. I finally had to have VISA resolve the issue (in my favor). I highly recommend doing a google search for "imedmart ratings." Let the ratings speak for themselves.
This is an example of what it took before a manager would finally respond:
From: Jared Fielding
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 2:28 AM
To: Customer Service ( Imedmart.com);
Cc: Jared Fielding
Subject: Fw: imedmart.com: RMA Request
This letter is to document that I have sent made 3 phone calls, and written 4 emails in an attempt to resolve this matter. I have requested to speak with a manager 4 times and each time I've not been put in touch with a manager. I've written clear emails and received short ambiguous ones in response.
Most recently I called to again speak to a manager and "Annie" indicated that she was check verify they should pay for the full product return and shipping both directions for the incorrect product (for which I have screen shot documentation). She indicated she would call me back the same day. She did not, nor did she the next day. Avoidance seems to be a costumer service tactic at Imedmart.com
This is my last contact with imedmart.com. If this is not resolved in writing today, I will contact the credit card company and deal with them directly. You can also expect I will go out of my way to detail this experience online on different supplement forums (ie, bodybuilding.com, etc) and company review sites with dates, copies of emails, and details of the conversations.
Jared Fielding