Worst of the worst!!!
Where do I begin, since my first vehicle its need a rollercoaster with this people . But now it's more like harrassment with payments. During the first 3 hard month of COV-19 I ask for a relief payments wich I'm grateful as I loss my job and I did get 2 month brake or 3 ( not sure ) right after I got my little part time work I continue paying as normal and every time I spoke an agent they told me we will extend your lease and you will have to pay the missing payments at the end of the contract. but NO , THEY WANT ME TO PAY ALL MISSING PAYMENTS AT ONES AS IF THE 5 MONTH I WAS LAID OFF I HAD MONEY WAITING FOR ME ! THIS PEOPLE ARE SO DISRESPECTFUL AND THEY KNOW IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH THIS PROBLEMS AS I HAVE CONTINUED PAYING TILL THIS DAY , THE PAYMENTS ARE GOING BACKWARDS TO THE MISSING ONES , AND THEY ESPECT ME TO HAVE $1600 ALL AT ONES WHEN I HAVENT HAD ANY WORK . THEY HARRASSMENT ITS CRAZY AND NOT ONES OUT ALL Conversation over the phone I was told I had to pay everything at ones . 78% people return their vehicles because they couldn't their payments and I'm still trying to be responsible as I have singe day one . It's an abuse and not even considered about the situation during COV19, I cant wait to finish this lease and never ever do bussines with this people. They are worst I have eve deal with . Not even an used car dealership has ever treat me like this !! And that a fact ..