Review 3/23/2010
I took this company to Small Claims Court on March 8, 2010 and won! Stay away from doing business with this rental management company as they are unpleasant to deal with and also unethical to boot. They ignore tenant/rent laws to their advantage. They unfairly charged me for touch up paint which is covered under normal wear and tear as the place did not have any damage or holes in the wall at all. They also kept my deposit for a toilet leak that we did not cause directly. I explained all this to the judge and won my case. Fred Hill (owner) and Henry Aguero (agent) are some of the most unpleasant human beings I've met and you are definitely better off not ever even knowing that they exist. Believe me! They have caused me nothing but inconvenience and problems. Their properties are also old, unmaintained and they are a classic "slumlord" from hell!!!!