Review 3/13/2008
Well I am just starting the process of a huge war with Helio. But I figured I would go ahead and let other people know about this company before they sign a contract! I started a contract in June of 2007 with Helio because I thought the phones were cool, and the 100% satisfaction gaurantee I saw on all the ads. Boy do I wish I had went with another company. Everything was great as long as I payed my bill on time (do not even be a day late) and learned how to fix tech problems myself. In Feburary I relocated and so had some huge expenses to cover. I had also ran up my bill making calls and working from home while traveling. My bill was about 500 bucks, and since I had just moved I only paid 300. When I logged on my next pay day (9 days later) to pay my bill and reactivate service (which I admit was my fault) my online account did not work. I called "customer care" who is very unknowledgable and was told I had been canceled. Crappy part is no one at customer care could do ANYTHING but "escalate" to the higher office. After 3 weeks of fighting with the member care people and office, which btw must be located outside the US, I called corporate in Los Angeles...only to have no assistance and the statement- "nothing I can do to help, get a lawyer!". Now my account has been sent to collections (for 30 days) and I have been charged $175 early termination. If you do sign up with Helio make sure to get a copy of the contract. It's avaliable on their website, but they never send you one!!! Not only does Helio say they will notify you of any changes they will make to your account before hand, it also does not say they can charge you if they cancel you. It's been a long and tiring three weeks of dealing with very unhelpful people who everytime I called have no record of whats going on. All I wanted to do was pay the bill completely and restore service! Now I have to go through this long process with a collection ageny because neither "customer care" or corporate will do anything to work out the issue. Guess my money is better spent at another company anyways!