Some times a good deal isn't so good
Purchased pair of bindings for my son for Xmas. Called to make sure these bindings are good for park like use. Dynstar bindings. Oh yes best warranty in the game 5 years. Ok so fourth time my son goes skiing heel on one of the bindings crack.
Call Company and need to send to Dynastar to get replaced. Except that for Get Boards to pay for shipping (which is UPS slow boat not over night or second day air) they have to get binding sent to California their warehouse and then they will ship to Rossignal Dynastar and then they will ship to me. Oh and not over night. So ETA 3-4 weeks.
Whatever I thought I was saving buying online just went out the window in over night shipping costs. What good is a warranty if you miss a month worth of the season? !! I would not buy from Get Boards if your ever concerned about support on a warranty issue.