Review 2/1/2011
The company is a fraud. My wife answered a mailer last February. We took a gamble and entered into an agreement with them after the accounts manager Emanuel convinced us that the company could secure a modification loan for us. He said that he had a friend over at Chase that was on the modification review team. Suffice to say,after all the paperwork and required documents were complete, Emanuel said he turned the package over the bank and that we should here something in about 30 days and that he would keep informed. That was in March. I had to consistently try to contact him via business phone and text without any return calls. I demanded from the company operator to put me through to Emanuel personally and not to his voicemail which he never answered.9 months past without any contact from the bank acknowledging my mod request. It wasn't until December 23rd 2010 that I received an official letter of receipt of my package. We were required to submit all the documents we previously had giving to Emanuel as our third party rep. I inquired with Chase and ask if this was the first time they received my mod package and they said yes. Therefore, it became clear that Freedom Law had breached and falsified that they had sent my package and was looking out for my best interest. I had to file a complaint and also write my Congressman and Senator. I'm demanding my $2300 back.