scott g.'s review of Compliance Alliance Retrofitting

Compliance Alliance Retrofitting

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 10/31/2011
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Review 10/31/2011
In Spring of 2011 Compliance Alliance Retrofitting Inc. was hired by our Homeowners Association to replace common area fences throughout our 750-unit townhouse community in San Diego. Since Compliance Alliance is based over 130 miles from San Diego, and claims no expertise in doing fence work on their website, it seems very strange that they would be involved in this major project. Some homeowners here are speculating that someone at Compliance must be a relative of someone on the HOA board. They do not look like the right choice for this work from any angle. During the fence replacement Compliance Alliance caused extensive damage to my property (and the property of many other homeowners here) including unnecessarily demolishing a large area of concrete throughout my carport. They left large jagged chunks of concrete piled up in my driveway which created a serious safety hazard. When I contacted Compliance Alliance about this, they denied causing the damage and told me they found the concrete like this when they arrived to do the fence work (yeah, right) They also told me they did no concrete work whatsoever on this job. I asked them how the fence posts got installed in concrete and at that point they simply refused to answer and then stopped all communication with me. I tried to communicate with them several times to no avail. I think they believed that if they ignored me I would just go away because I live so far away. Welcome to the internet age Compliance Alliance. Later I resolved the issue with my HOA (who ultimately paid to get the damage repaired), and at that time the HOA board informed me that yes, in fact Compliance Alliance did a lot of concrete work during the fence replacement and several other homeowners had property damage issues associated with the fence replacement similar to mine. So Compliance Alliance simply lied to me. They signed up for a job they weren't qualified for, caused a huge amount of property damage for many homeowners, and then jumped in their truck and headed back to Arleta, far away from the mess they made. Then they simply lied about having anything to do with the damage they caused and the sloppy work they did, and cut off all communication assuming that this person complaining about them would just go away. To summarize, watch out for these crooks. They are dangerous and dishonest.
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Hours   Phone   (818) 830-1714 Address   12990 Branford Street, Suite E
Arleta, CA 91331
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Contact   Ian Vincent Ely Other  
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