Cannamed's review of CannaMed


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/26/2011
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CANNAMED #1 RATED Evaliuation Center in VENTURA COUNTY and LICENSED by the CA MEDICAL BOARD!!! Make sure you VERIFY your MMJ Clinic by visiting CA MED BOARD SITE: and click on SEARCH FOR FICTICIOUS NAME PERMIT. Search for EXACT NAME of your MMJ CLINIC. If search revealse NOT FOUND, that means that MMJ CLINIC IS UNLICENSED and ILLEGALLY OPERATION. Your HEALTH, PRIVATE INFO and MEDICAL RECORDS ARE IN DANGER!!! Check for yourself. ITS THE LAW!!! Please visit our website for more info. We are the #1 Evaluatiuon Center in the VENTURA COUNTY. We have the lowest compassionate prices for patients suffering from a variety of medical conditions. Please visit and book your appointment on-line TODAY or call us toll free at 866-624-1191. Dear Dr. Rosner:  I hope you remember me.  I am alive today because of you.  I think about you often and wondered where you might be.  I just wanted to let you know I am fine (had thyroid cancer and breast cancer (April 2011) and have survived it all.  I work as an accountant at a law firm and lead a pretty good life and I blame it all on you (lol).  Hope you are OK.  Funny thing, Dr. Frankel (radiologist at Cedars) made me think of you and he told me that you had been his dr too.  He said he had an AVM and we both talked about you (only had good things to say about you).  I still cherish the fact that you took care of me for years and appreciate it and how lucky I was that you took such good care of me. My best, Rozann Levin
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