Buyer beware.
Had AAA for 20 years. Married and bought a house. cash.
Had the house and three cars.
Had 15/30 since being single and way into owning the house. One helpful agent told me to go higher to 25/50.
I trusted the agent as looking out for my best interest.
Then I crashed in 2010 and nobody thought it odd that I had 15/30 with all I had
I trusted they would look out for a 20 year member, with a house that was paid off and also insured with AAA.
No red flags for the trained, professional agents. 25/50 for a family that has a $1,000,00 home and three cars and 25/50 was good enough? Remember, they are there for that specific reason to look after us.
Everything right in front of them on the screen.
Then I got divorced and lost the whole house.
Still having only 25/50 and lucky that I wasn't married while being poorly insured.
Then I hit another man and he sued me and out of my pocket I lost $10,000.
Two at-fault accidents ever.
It was then that i realized that for $402 A YEAR more, I could have $1,000,000 coverage.
I was driving around, basically uninsured. Had I not been divorced, the man would have taken everything my family owned. I can't believe how dangerous I was living and the agents let it go by.
You think they knew? They sure did. That is the best kept secret in the industry.
They were very good to me, but after this wreck I am just about broke and lost so much.
Any savings I saved, were lost to bad, bad agent professionalism.
The agents only do what they are told and that is the scary part.
I wish AAA was the AAA my parents told me about for 45 years.
Many are happy with them and I am sure this in just one story but remember, they won't volunteer how cheap higher coverages are. They push the 25/50 to everyone.
I am just about broke now, but will manage.