Joe deceived me with fast talk and very long emails that confused me. He would have two conflicting messages in every other email.
I came to him for mortgage after being regjected by another broker. I layed the cards on the table letting him know that though I have an excellent credit, I was rejected based on reporting a loss on an investment home I own. He made me go through hell getting him documents that are far beyond the norm of documentation needed for a mortgage. But I believed him.
He concocted a story that he can make happen becasue he can ask for an exception since it is a one time loss due to remodeling even though the other broker told me not to. They are all bound by the same invertors' guidelines. He talked and talked and wrote emails that were a mile long.
I provided a credit report and asked him to give me an estaimate of what he can qualify me based on the deluge of documents and the excellent credit report. I asked him not to pull credit, but as time went on, he convinced me to allow him. Well he came back with an answer, no can do. Now my score will go lower because everytime someone runs a hard credit check, the FICO score goes down.
He lied. He should have told me to go to a bank who makes in-house loans or a credit union. But no, he had to drag me through all that for nothing.
Beware of fast talkers who write you very long emails.