Review 3/18/2009
I am a new Farmer's Agent trying to build my client base and this company contacted me via fax. They wanted $780 a month for 60 homeowners policies that were in Escrow and if one feel out, they gauranteed to replace it with another one at no additional charge. I decided to try it at 30 a month for $390, so I sent them a check. It took almost a month for them to set me up with a login. The people sounded very umprofessional and every time I called, there was no answer. The extensions of the 2 ladys that were originally helping me turned up "no longer valid". It took me 3 more days and several attempts through out the day to finally get an operator who transferred me to another voice mail. I left a message, and sent several email requests for someone to contact me immediately, still haven't heard back from anyone. I am ready to pursue this to the next level now to try and recover the money that I sent them. I DO NOT recommend anyone to be sucked into this like I was.